Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Perspective for March 4, 2011

Challenge comes into our life every single day.  Some folks are energized by challenges and others are drained by them.  It seems that leaders love a challenge.  It has been said that you can always tell the size of the leader by looking at the challenges he tries to overcome; he’ll always pick on one his own size.
In the Bible there are two verses that I hope will help you focus today:
Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”
Romans 5:2-4 says “And we rejoice in the hope of God’s glory, but not only so.  We rejoice also in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character and character hope.”
If you could take today’s big challenge away and not have to deal with it, what would you choose to eliminate from your day?  Now will you consider thinking of that very challenge and find a place that you can whisper to yourself aloud:  “God this is what you want me to face today to remind me that You are in the process of building my character so that I will have more hope tomorrow than I had this morning when I awoke.  Therefore, I thank you for this challenge and I will face it in the confidence that you will help me to overcome it!”
The challenge you face today is not unique to you.  God has lots of experience in helping others through the same one you face.  Listen to Him.  Trust Him. And Thank Him that He has so much confidence in you to give you such a big challenge!  He has great things in mind for you! J

This is my perspective for today; what’s yours?
Talk it over with God…even if you feel like arguing with Him about how much he dished onto your plate.

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