Thursday, March 17, 2011

Got Junk? Perspective for March 17

Remember when Starbuck’s cups used to have little quotes on the side of them? I have to admit I would eat those up! I loved reading the newest quote from Starbucks. Sometimes they would be insights on life that would be either profound or mundane. I remember one that I’ve kept to this day. It is by Brian Scudamore the founder and CEO of 1-800-Got-Junk. He says this:
"It’s difficult for people to get rid of junk. They get attached to things and let them define who they are. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this business, it’s that you are what you can’t let go of."
In our lives there is junk. By junk I mean habits, attitudes, perspectives and points of view that may not be bad, but they are not the best. While we hold on to this junk it keeps us from experiencing the full and abundant life that Christ has for us. We hold on to pride, arrogance, insecurity and fear and let those qualities define us. If we would only let them go so that we can take hold of the abundant life that Christ (John 10:10) has for you today.
What junk are you holding on to today? What good thing do you need to get rid of so that Christ can give you something that is better and best?
This is my perspective, what's yours?