Saturday, March 5, 2011

Daily Perspective for March 5, 2011

"Repentance" is not a word that is used much in today's world. It has to do with sin and pleasing God

In the Old Testament God required people to do pentence for their sin. This required bloodshed and the death of animals. It was a costly and messy affair. 

The word "repentance" comes from the root word "pentance" and implies the making right of that which is misaligned with God. It is that which is required of God in order reunite us to Himself. 

There are three words that are very much associated with TRUE repentance:

Confession- our mouth acknowleges the wrong that our mind and body have done.

Contrition- our attitude is one of sincere remorse and regret as we realize the depths to which we have fallen in our disobedience to God. 

Change- true repentance is confirmed by changed behavior and new habits.

Perhaps your secretive thoughts nudge your conscience today for they remind you of thoughts, words or actions that you feel don't honor God. 

God loves you infinitely and perfectly my friend! You do not need to wait for a Sunday, an alter call, or a Pastor's counsel. All you need to is Confess to God, show genuine Contrition for your sin, and commit yourself to Change as the Holy Spirit empowers you to do so.

Phil. 4:13 promises that "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength"!

You don't have to be the way you are. You can change and improve beginning today! Christ paid the Pentance for your sin. You can repent of it and turn from it! You can do it right here...right now!

Pray this prayer outloud and enjoy the power of God's change that begins with a broken and contrite heart:
God, I confess to you my sin of _______ . I am so sorry for it. I do not want to ever do it again. I ask that you give me your Holy Spirit right now to increase my awareness of that which displeases you. Please increase my desire to please you in all areas of my life from this day forward. I want to change. I want to please you!

I encourage you to come to worship on Sunday (9 or 11). 
I encourage you to come at 10:30 for a class taught by one of the Elders, Frank Donaruma on the Attributes of God.
And I encourage you to come the next two Wednesday evenings to a class I teach with Elder Bob Bateman, called "the Bondage Breaker". 

The more you surround yourself with God's word the greater your chances of needing less repentance. 

This is my Perspective :-). What's yours? 
