Thursday, February 24, 2011

Perspective for Feb. 24, 2011

A thorny question?
I love Jesus' parables, one of my favorites is the Parable of the Sower, if you don't know this parable and it's meaning, take a moment to read it now in Mark 4:1-20.

I can easily see myself at various stages of my life in each of the four soils Jesus describes… there was a time when the seed of God's Word had little meaning to me... and there was a time when I got fired up and excited by "my faith" only to later struggle in hard times.  And, if I’m honest, there’ve been times when the cares of this world had my attention...

So, I’m thankful to be in the good soil now!  But Jesus said the mark of living in the good soil isn't right living, right thinking, or even right beliefs...

Jesus said the mark of living in the good soil is the production of a crop way beyond anything you, or I, could produce on our own, so… "where's my crop?" 

Hmmm… that could be a thorny question!
Pastor Jeff