Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Perspective for March 16, 2011

How much do you know? It’s ok to admit that you know something; everyone does. Some know more than others. Few are considered ‘genius’. Only God knows all things.   The Bible says that “a wise man listens to the counsel of many”.
I once heard a man make a comment that has stuck with me for many years now:
“It’s what you learn after you think you know it all, that offers you the greatest chance for improving your life”.
There are people in my small world that know far more than me in the areas of
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Business
  • Corporate structure
  • Health
  • Pastoral care
  • Spiritual maturity
It is not uncommon for me, while preparing a sermon or thinking through an upcoming counseling session, to pick up the phone and speak to someone that I consider to be more knowledgeable in an area than myself. Before I make the call and invest my time with them I ask myself four questions;
  1. Do I trust this person?
  2. Am I willing to listen carefully to this person?
  3. Does this person have integrity? (i.e.Does this person’s life measure up to a standard of integrity between word and lifestyle?)
  4. Am I willing to follow the counsel they give me?
It is not hard to find someone who will offer guidance. But there is a bit of difference between good and bad guidance. May I back up and remind you that God is omniscient, which means “all knowing”. He made you, loves you, has your best interest in mind ….always, and he left you a book, called the Bible, to guide you. The book of the Bible called “Psalms” says that “the Word of God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
Are you demonstrating wisdom because of whom you seek, how well you listen and how passionately you follow the counsel that is given to guide you?
Think about it; God may have something for you to know even though you thought you already knew all about that subject of humility, marriage, finance, conflict management….if you follow His counsel you will find a guidance that will not lead you astray! J
This is my perspective; what’s yours?