Thursday, May 5, 2011

John 1:14-18

1) Silence, Stillness and Centering before God (2 minutes)

2) Scripture Reading—John 1:14-18

3) Devotional
When I read this passage, I think of incarnational living.  In the Message, John 1:14 reads, “God became a man and moved into the neighborhood.”  John the Baptist was sent by God to bear witness to Jesus.  Even though Jesus came into the world physically after John, John testifies that Jesus was before Him.  The living Word of God existed before all eternity.

Because of who we are as Christians, the living Word, lives in us – the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling within us – so that we may bear witness to those around us, so that they may see Jesus….incarnational living.   This is the model of Alliance missions, our missionaries live among the people they serve, building relationships of trust, learning their language and culture.

This is a hard concept for me to translate as I think about where I live. I’m not being very intentional about serving my neighbors.  It’s been a process of developing a relationship of trust with my neighbors.

Ever wonder why you live where you live?  Or maybe why you need to make a move?  God has gone before you, before you ever came to the place you live or where you work. Take a walk in your neighborhood today or through your workplace.   Pray as you walk and see if God has any opportunities for you to shine His light in someone else’s darkness.

4) Question to Consider
Are you living incarnationally?  Are you living in a way where people witness Jesus?

5) Prayer

“Thank You, Father God, for revealing Yourself to people through Your Son, Jesus. Help me also to be a faithful witness of Jesus. Help me to share the life that I have through Him with others that I come into contact with. Let people see Jesus in me, and also give me the words to share Him with others. I ask this in the precious Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen!”

Conclude with Silence (2 minutes)