Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Perspective for Feb. 21, 2011

When is the last time you got up with nothing to do?  By the way what does “nothing to do” mean?  Is that even an honest and accurate phrase or is it a euphemism?
 I’d like to ask that you consider what God meant when he said “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”  The word “Sabbath” means “to cease” or “to stop” and it suggests a rhythm for humanity that God designed into our weekly life.  The Prophet Jeremiah was told by God to stand before the people and announce to them that for the sake of their lives, do not carry a burden on the Sabbath.
 We seem to be chronically busy.  Even our days off are often filled with busyness that doesn’t allow us to sit, rest, relax or think.  I speak from experience on this issue, as one who struggles to stay in the rhythm of Sabbath.  I do not write to you because I have mastered this, but because I am trying to learn how to do it better.  As I was attempting to reflect today after a busy week-end, I found some thoughts that I want to share with you.
 The following four things are some of the detriments of being chronically busy and out of the rhythm of Sabbath:
  1. We fail to see things clearly and we lose perspective.  This often will lead to relationship issues in home, office and ministry situations.
  2. We don’t listen carefully.  The Bible says we should be quick to listen.  Lack of Sabbath will impair our ability to listen well.
  3. We don’t think deep thoughts; we stay on the superficial.  Wisdom is often  increased as we take the time to reflect deeply on life experience.  Last week I was told by a “ministry coach” that leaders in top positions of an organization should plan 20% of their time for thinking and reading.  Wow! That is nearly one full day out of five of office time work weeks!
  4. We miss out on the celebrations of life because we are racing off to the nest project.
 Since God said to take a Sabbath, perhaps we should plan to do less this week rather than more!  A wise person might well think about that!
Would you take the time to think through Psalm 139.  Note expecially that God's thoughts toward you are more numerous than the sand on the beach!  Be encouraged by that as you tackle another busy week!
This is my perspective.  I hope yours is not far off and that yours and mine both honor God!  Enjoy your day.

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